6. April 2012

A friend of mine had the plan to make a bib using some of her old towels. I liked the idea very much and I volunteered to do them for her, since she didn’t find the time. She had a bib that I used to take down a pattern.

I actually ended up using old and new materials. The main cloth is used from an old towel. The decorational parts are bought new.

I used pins to attach the surrounding material to the towel cloth. The theme of the bib is cherries, so I cut out two circles of the red new towel material and ironed on some of the double sided glueing ‘paper.’

After ironing it on to the bib I used a criss cross stitch to stitch the binding around the bib and to go around the circle and stitch a cherry stem. At the end I added some velcro.

And this is how the result looks like:

Kategorien / Categories: Aus alt mach neu
Schlagworte / Tags:
3. April 2012

Es hat Spaß gemacht einfach ohne Plan drauf los zu sticken. Der Untergrund ist Seide, die Flächen sind mit Filzwolle unterlegt.

Im  letztem Jahr im März habe ich an einem Online-Stickkurs “Freies Sticken”  von Anne Lange teilgenommen und seither hat es mich nicht mehr losgelassen. Im Augenblick bin ich beim Fortgeschrittenenkurs dabei, der jetzt im April begonnen hat.

It was fun to stich without any plan. I stiched on silk and used unspun wool to put under. 

Last year in march I took part in an online-workshop “free embroidery” by Anne Lange. It opened a new world for me. Now it is  the second workshop which keeps me busy.

Kategorien / Categories: Perlhuhn | Sticken/ Embroidery
Schlagworte / Tags: |
20. März 2012

Wenn die Blausternchen im Park blühen, ist definitiv der Frühling ausgebrochen. Jedes Jahr zaubert dieser Anblick ein Lächeln auf die Gesichter.

That´s the first sign of spring and it makes everybody smile. With kind regards to those who are dying with indigo.

Kategorien / Categories: Dies und das/ this and that