5. März 2019

Kategorien / Categories: Essen / Food | Perlhuhn
13. August 2014

BackfischDie Kalorien – vom Winde verweht – bestimmt / the calories – gone with the wind – sure

23. Januar 2013

Wenn es draußen so grau und trüb ist, brauche ich immer regelmäßig ein bißchen Seelenfutter. Heute wurde es ein Chicoree Auflauf mit Süßkartoffeln als Beilage.

When its so grey and hazy outside, I need some food that can cheer up my soul a little. Today I chose a chicory casserole with sweet potatoes as a side dish.

Zutaten / Ingredients:

Chicoree / chicory
gekochter Schinken / ham
Emmentaler / Emmenthal cheese
Schmand oder Sahne / Sour Cream or Cream
Süßkartoffeln / Sweet potatoe
Gewürze: Olivenöl, Butter, Gemüsebrühe, Paprikapulver, Cayenne Pfeffer, Salz & Pfeffer
Spices: Olive Oil, Butter, Broth, Paprika, Cayenne Pepper, Salt & Pepper

In eine Auflaufform den in Streifen geschnittenen Chicoree und die Zuchini legen, Schinken dazurupfen.
In a casserole place sliced chicory, zucchini and ham.

Etwas Gemüsebrühe mit dem Schmand vermischen und noch würzen mit Paprika, Cayenne und Salz & Pfeffer. Die Sauce über das Gemüse verteilen. Ein kleines bißchen Olivenöl drüber sprenkeln. Dann geriebenen Emmentaler darüber verteilen. Das ganze für ca. 20 – 30 Minuten in den Ofen.
Mix up some broth with the sour cream and spice it up with paprika, cayenne and salt & pepper. Pour over the vegetable and ham mix. Sprinkle a little bit olive oil over it. Then add graded cheese. Leave in oven for about 20 – 30 minutes.

Die Süßkartoffeln schälen und in Würfel schneiden. In einem Topf mit Salz und Pfeffer und ein bißchen Wasser kochen. Wenn sie gar sind gebe ich gerne ein ganz klein wenig Butter hinzu.
Peel the sweet potatoes and cut in cubes. In a pot cook it with salt & pepper and a little water. When done I like to add a little chunk of butter.

Guten Appetit! Enjoy!

Kategorien / Categories: Essen / Food
Schlagworte / Tags:
9. Oktober 2012

Es wird Herbst! Draußen wird es kalt und nass und was passt da besser für ein wohliges Gefühl als warmer Milchreis mit Zimt & Zucker, leckerem Apfelmus und ein paar frischen Früchten? Ich mache beim kochen immer noch ein bisschen Vanillepuddingpulver und Zitronenschale in die Milch, dann schmeckt er noch etwas feiner.

Its fall! Outside its getting cold and wet and what helps more to keep you warm and cosy inside than a warm milk rice with cinnamon, pureed apples and some berries? I always add a little bit of vanilla pudding powder and lime peel to the milk when I make it. That gives it that little extra :-)

Kategorien / Categories: Essen / Food
24. Juni 2012

Everywhere in Paris you can find a Croque-Monsieur or a Croque-Madame on the menu. Searching google and WIKI does not bring up much about where this dish really comes from and how it was created, but it seems to be first noted in Paris around 1910 (WIKI). So its a very typical parisian speciality.

If done well this dish can be really good. Its basically one or two pieces of sliced bread with ham and melted cheese on top. The madame has a fried egg on top of that, which makes it even more delicous, I find. Usually its served with a salad and a portion of fries.

A good one I had at the ‘Le Stone‘ Café at the corner of rue du Fauberg Saint-Antoine and rue Trousseau in the 11th Arrondisement. We have been at the café twice so far, always after going to the Marché d’Aligre. The first time we went the waiter was all by himself on a sunday. I think he had to prepare the drinks and serve at the same time and the place was quite packed. It was an event to watch him, running around crazy, spilling water, memorizing drinks, forgetting bills, forgetting change, but all in a very pleasant way.

So we came back a second time and I had the Croque Madame. (This time they had about 3 waiters and somebody behind the bar and it was less people)

This was quite a good croque. I liked the setup of the plate with the little basket. The fries where a little too greasy for my taste, but that easily happens when they are so skinny.

Kategorien / Categories: Essen / Food
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16. Juni 2012

On our first sunday here in Paris we went to a wonderful food market called ‘marché d’aligre’. I think its on the border of 11th and 12th arrondissement on place d’aligre. Its open Tuesday till Sunday usually until 1 or 2 in the afternoon. We got a wonderful choice of fruits, vegetables and herbes.

This mango salad was the result of chopping it all together….. really yummie!!


1 mango
1 avocado
2 small tomatoes
fresh cilantro and mint
minced garlic
vinegar & oil
salt & pepper to taste

et voilà a fantastic taste explosion!

Kategorien / Categories: Essen / Food
Schlagworte / Tags:
6. April 2012

A good hamburger is like an explosion in your mouth. This one I had in a café in Göteborg called

Västra Hamngatan 20

Very nice!!!! Oh…. I am getting hungry!!

Kategorien / Categories: Essen / Food
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