A friend of mine had the plan to make a bib using some of her old towels. I liked the idea very much and I volunteered to do them for her, since she didn’t find the time. She had a bib that I used to take down a pattern.

I actually ended up using old and new materials. The main cloth is used from an old towel. The decorational parts are bought new.

I used pins to attach the surrounding material to the towel cloth. The theme of the bib is cherries, so I cut out two circles of the red new towel material and ironed on some of the double sided glueing ‘paper.’

After ironing it on to the bib I used a criss cross stitch to stitch the binding around the bib and to go around the circle and stitch a cherry stem. At the end I added some velcro.

And this is how the result looks like:

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TEST Maria

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