Der wundervolle Spaziergang im Grünen hat hier seinen Niederschlag gefunden.
The wonderful day in the contryside was transformed in some stiching.
Kategorien / Categories: Perlhuhn | Sticken/ Embroidery
TEST Maria
ohhhhh, Doris….this is LUSH with texture, COLOUR (spelled the other way because it is fuller that way)
it is magnificant. just magnificant!
It felt like drinking green with the eyes. It made me happy to stich it. I´m so eager to look at colors ( colours ;-) ) these days.
looking again this morning, is it stitched into wool?, silk? i really love looking at it…love how the
sky leans down into the trees
it is unspun (?)wool, I have smal pieces in different shades for needle felting. I first make a fluffy mat which I fix on the back fabric. Then I fix it by stiching. I like how it feels when I stich, it is so soft. Happy that you like looking at it. :-)
This is so lovely…and how interesting that it is made from wool rowing.
Thank you Mo´a. I liked very much working with the wool.