Dieses Mal habe ich die Mola-Technik mit der Hand genäht, wie es ja eigentlich sein sollte. Ich muss sagen, mir gefällt diese Technik ungemein. Dabei könnte ich stundenlang bleiben.
This time I have sewn by hand as it should be. I love this technique and could do it for hours.
Kategorien / Categories: Nähen mit der Hand/ handsewed | Nähen mit der Maschine/ machine sewed | Perlhuhn
TEST Maria
Popped over from Windthread, Grace’s blog. Spent over two hours looking back through your pages. Very Inspiring! I will be back often. I really enjoyed seeing your progess on all your projects. And your photography is stunning. Wondering what kind of camera / lens you use?
Thank you Peggy for visiting and your very nice comment.I have a lot of projects and get easily sidetracked because there are so many interesting things to discover. My camera is a 5 years old canon G12. I love it. Even I don´t use all its possibilities I´m always happy with the quality. It is perfect for my special eye..
Gell, das ist so besinnlich – von Hand zu nähen. So unaufgeregt und gemütlich. Schön, dieser Kaffeebecher, der mich an Nadelkissen erinnert.
I love this one!